Monday, February 11, 2008

How to save the world - Part I - Us

We all wish we could one day save the world. Well, at least some of us do. But truly, most of us, rather live in our very own resigned state. Perhaps, it was ingrained into our minds from our early childhood, if any, that the world's problem is well, up to the rest of the world to resolve. But are we not of this same world? But of course, we are. We're just separated by our own idealistic and somewhat realistic theologies, that we just proclaim to be true. If there is even an inch of truth in our claims. Truth is, we all have our own versions of the Truth that we think of as the Truth. We all believe we know what is best for everyone else around us, from this preconceived and preconditioned version of the Truth. Somehow we seem to know what is best for someone else, as compared to knowing what is best for ourselves. Maybe it has not dawned upon us that we are merely stroking our own ego, or as some people would like to spell it, Ego. Our Ego feels an adrenaline rush, when we spew out 'words of wisdom' to others and they shine in its glory. Naturally, we feel good making others feel good. Or so, we think. For the rest of us, we rather listen to others and see what they deem fit for us. For what can we possibly know about something that we have no idea how to resolve, other than to seek someone who has gone through that experience or has the necessary skills to do so? Do we really not know? Are we that ignorant or have we been conditioned that way to listen to someone else 'better' to solve our own problems for us? For quite often, we are hesitant to listen cause deep down inside, something tells us that we can do this on our own. But their version of the Truth somehow seems to rail its way into our hearts and minds, rather reluctantly but forcefully without our conscious awareness. And we fall prey to this altered version of the Truth and we proceed to dig deeper into our own graves. And this, this is the start of a growth. A cancerous tumor. It starts from within, then it eats you from the inside and slowly finds its way out of you and leeches itself onto others. But the arising pandemic already has a cure. A single, most potent and most powerful cure that will not just save the world but it will also save you. We are here to save us from ourselves. Do we really not know?


void deck blowjob princess said...

hurry up with part 2!

Adrenalene said...

finally, an update!

The Insane Mind said...

Ahhh, my lovelies. I will update soon enough. Stay tuned.