Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reduced Life

Ever wondered why we're here without our consent? Two people, sometimes one person, whom we address as parents or parent brought us into this world with excruciating pain and agony. Whatever for? I didn't ask to be born into this world. Why give birth to me and let me go through what I'm supposed to go through? It's like I've been given a set of responsibilities even before I got here. I'm supposed to go to the school, graduate, work, get married, have kids, bring up the kids, send the kids to school, watch them graduate, work, get married, have kids and if you're lucky enough watch your kids bring up their kids. Okay, so it may sound simpler than it is. Wait. It is. So what happens when you get old and pass on? What happens if you pass on much earlier than that? Your parent(s) brought you up into this world to watch you go back to where you came from? The female has to go through that much labour pain to get us out and then feel much heartache when we're not around? What is the purpose of all this?

As I'm writing this out, I'm wondering why I am even writing on this. By writing on this topic, am I going to receive a logical answer as to why I'm here? I dare think not. Those religious zealots would love to snap at me now by telling me all sorts of stories on what happens when you pass on. Yeah, like they've experienced it before to know what exactly is going to occur. Yeah, the god is going to whip my ass and throw me into some kinky place called hell where I'd abide therein forever. Sure. For crying out loud, we don't even know what is going to occur in our present lives but these fanatics already know what's going to happen in the so-called hereafter? Why go through so much when you're not even sure if some god is going to give you orgasms in heaven or set you ablaze in hell? In most cases, if you haven't performed up to the standards set by that same god, you're doomed.

I've reflected on my actions thus far and realized I haven't really done anything exceptionally good with my life. Then again, why do I have to do something good to start with? Who am I answerable to? Not my parents for sure. I don't see a reason to explain anything to them these days. I am, of course, grateful to them for bringing me up. All I've ever wanted to do is to make someone else feel miserable. Seeing someone distraught makes me feel good. Is that why some god decided to put me here? If so, thank you big guy/girl/thing. I may digress now and then but all that is done with a purpose. Thoughts that are currently input here are sporadic and erratic. I know I'm not much of a writer but I try to get my view across. Every single thought that crosses my mind makes me contemplate why I'm still here. By attempting to end everything, is that escapism or am I trying to find the meaning of the so-called hereafter? Do I have to take the planned route or am I allowed to take the shortcut? Answers have yet to surface. When the day arrives and if I ever find any purpose in leading this mundane life, I'd forever look to ways to enrich it with lucid thoughts. Or would I?

Perhaps, I'd find out then but for now, I'm struck with this thought.

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